Ruth Weitzman; RE/MAX Realtor in Bergen County, NJ


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Contact Me

I can help you locate the home that best fits your needs. Please take a moment and let me know some of your requirements so that I may better assist you.

If you are inquiring about properties for sale from the New Jersey Multiple Listing Service, please include the MLS#s on this form. Just fill in the blanks and hit the SUBMIT button below.


* Indicates a Required Answer



*Street Address:



*Zip Code:

*Daytime Phone:

Evening Phone:

MLS Property ID:
Can include up to 6 property inquiries.

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Price Range:

Buying and/or Selling a Home?
Buy Both
Sell Neither
When would you like to move?
Now 3-6 mos. 
6-12 mos.   12-24 mos.